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キーワード: RSS2.0配信
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分類:ネットワーク     著者:C15年     更新日付:2008/12/21
ポート番号 tcp/udp サービス 説明
2300 tcp/udp cvmmon CVMMON
2301 tcp/udp cpq-wbem Compaq HTTP
2302 tcp/udp binderysupport Bindery Support
2303 tcp/udp proxy-gateway Proxy Gateway
2304 tcp/udp attachmate-uts Attachmate UTS
2305 tcp/udp mt-scaleserver MT ScaleServer
2306 tcp/udp tappi-boxnet TAPPI BoxNet
2307 tcp/udp pehelp pehelp
2308 tcp/udp sdhelp sdhelp
2309 tcp/udp sdserver SD Server
2310 tcp/udp sdclient SD Client
2311 tcp/udp messageservice Message Service
2312 tcp/udp # Unassigned
2313 tcp/udp iapp IAPP (Inter Access Point Protocol)
2314 tcp/udp cr-websystems CR WebSystems
2315 tcp/udp precise-sft Precise Sft.
2316 tcp/udp sent-lm SENT License Manager
2317 tcp/udp attachmate-g32 Attachmate G32
2318 tcp/udp cadencecontrol Cadence Control
2319 tcp/udp infolibria InfoLibria
2320 tcp/udp siebel-ns Siebel NS
2321 tcp rdlap RDLAP over UDP
2321 udp rdlap RDLAP
2322 tcp/udp ofsd ofsd
2323 tcp/udp 3d-nfsd 3d-nfsd
2324 tcp/udp cosmocall Cosmocall
2325 tcp/udp designspace-lm Design Space License Management
2326 tcp/udp idcp IDCP
2327 tcp/udp xingcsm xingcsm
2328 tcp/udp netrix-sftm Netrix SFTM
2329 tcp/udp nvd NVD
2330 tcp/udp tscchat TSCCHAT
2331 tcp/udp agentview AGENTVIEW
2332 tcp/udp rcc-host RCC Host
2333 tcp/udp snapp SNAPP
2334 tcp/udp ace-client ACE Client Auth
2335 tcp/udp ace-proxy ACE Proxy
2336 tcp/udp appleugcontrol Apple UG Control
2337 tcp/udp ideesrv ideesrv
2338 tcp/udp norton-lambert Norton Lambert
2339 tcp/udp 3com-webview 3Com WebView
2340 tcp/udp wrs_registry WRS Registry
2341 tcp/udp xiostatus XIO Status
2342 tcp/udp manage-exec Seagate Manage Exec
2343 tcp/udp nati-logos nati logos
2344 tcp/udp fcmsys fcmsys
2345 tcp/udp dbm dbm
2346 tcp/udp redstorm_join Game Connection Port
2347 tcp/udp redstorm_find Game Announcement and Location
2348 tcp/udp redstorm_info Information to query for game status
2349 tcp redstorm_diag Diagnostics Port
2349 udp redstorm_diag Disgnostics Port
2350 tcp/udp psbserver psbserver
2351 tcp/udp psrserver psrserver
2352 tcp/udp pslserver pslserver
2353 tcp/udp pspserver pspserver
2354 tcp/udp psprserver psprserver
2355 tcp/udp psdbserver psdbserver
2356 tcp/udp gxtelmd GXT License Managemant
2357 tcp/udp unihub-server UniHub Server
2358 tcp/udp futrix Futrix
2359-2388 tcp/udp # Unassigned
2389 tcp/udp ovsessionmgr OpenView Session Mgr
2390 tcp/udp rsmtp RSMTP
2391 tcp/udp 3com-net-mgmt 3COM Net Management
2392 tcp/udp tacticalauth Tactical Auth
2393 tcp/udp ms-olap1 MS OLAP 1
2394 tcp ms-olap2 MS OLAP 2
2394 udp ms-olap2 MA OLAP 2
2395 tcp/udp lan900_remote LAN900 Remote
2396 tcp/udp wusage Wusage
2397 tcp/udp ncl NCL
2398 tcp/udp orbiter Orbiter
2399 tcp/udp fmpro-fdal FileMaker, Inc. - Data Access Layer
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